Melissa MacGillivary is making some changes. She’s recently made a career change and luckily for her, La Quaintrelle was looking. After working for the health authority as an autism interventionist for the past 5 years, Melissa is excited to be pursuing business administration at NSCC. With a zest for life, a love for her community and a keen interest in small business, Melissa joins the LQ team with the right mix of experience and enthusiasm.

Melissa has known about LQ ever since opening day. North Sydney isn’t big, so word travels fast. Melissa has been buying dresses in our quaint, classy shop ever since. With a whimsical grin, she told us, “I’m sure that half of my dress collection is from LQ and I know it will only continue to grow.” Melissa sees herself as an ambassador of the LQ brand. Not only does she wear the clothing and accessories on a regular basis, she also finds herself often recommending the store to others. “Have you been to La Quaintrelle? Oh, you HAVE to go…” She even takes any visitors to see “the amazing vintage boutique” down the road. Melissa is passionate and familiar with the store and she truly loves personal style. On top of the great products, she thoroughly enjoys the positive environment the store offers, the smiling faces and sharing the love of fashion with LQ clients.

Melissa has lived in North Sydney most of her life and her passion and enthusiasm for Cape Breton business development continues to grow. She sincerely wants to see this island flourish, especially her home community of North Sydney.

Ultimately, other than being the newest member of the La Quaintrelle team, she enjoys spending time with family and friends. She loves discovering hidden gems in Cape Breton (especially beaches, her favorite place to spend free time.) She loves to spoil her puppy, indulge in her favorite foods, exercise and make memories in her new home.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Below is a short Q&A to help you get to know Melissa better!

1. What are you obsessed with right now?

MAISIE. My 3 1/2 year old little girl. And no…she’s not human, even though my diva, Maltese-Shih Tzu thinks she is.

2. What's one habit that you've adopted over the years that you're proud of?

STAYING PHYSICALLY ACTIVE. Whether I am working out at the gym, dragging my boyfriend or Maisie for a walk (literally), dabbling in different sports, going on a hike or dancing; it’s a habit I aspire to continue far into the future.

3. What's your guilty pleasure?

CANDY. Remember that stuff you used to run to the corner store for? The stuff you’d put in a small, brown paper bag and only pay a penny a piece for? Yea, that kind of stuff.

4. What's the best thing you've ever read/watched/listened to?

RENT. Music, lyrics and book written by Jonathan Larson. I was fortunate enough to see this Broadway musical when I was only 15 years old in New York City. From the set, to the cast, to the acting, to the singing and especially to the company I was with – it is something I will NEVER forget. "Five hundred twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes, how do you measure a year in the life?"

5. You're hosting a dinner party and you can invite any five guests in the world, living or dead. Who do you invite?

GRANDPARENTS. Although it would be great to sit with five fascinating historical figures or interesting celebrities, there is nothing I would enjoy more than a dinner party with my grandparents. My Grandpa MacGillivary (who we lost in 2008), Grandma MacGillivary (who we lost in 2006), Poppie Guy (still with us today, age 85), and Nannie Guy (still with us today, age 80). I wouldn’t even need a fifth guest  at this dinner party as sharing stories and laughing with these four is all I would need.

6. What would your last meal on earth be? 

EVERYTHING. How on earth could I ever just pick one meal? Anyone who knows me well, knows I LOVE (understatement) to eat. My plate would need sideboards because it would be fully loaded with my Dad’s turkey dinner, my Mom’s homemade ice cream cake, nachos, Lobster Pound’s chicken pot pie, a slice of pizza, Sheila Jackson’s sweet potato cinnamon rolls from Higher Grounds Café and I'd wash it all down with a big glass of milk! 

7. Who was your childhood celebrity crush? 

BRUCE GUTHRO. I simply loved (and still love) his music. I found myself "Falling" for him in his hometown of Sydney Mines where I got his autograph (signed on none other than a lotto ticket). How precious is that? And he isn't too hard on the ol' eyes either. 

8. If you were given an unlimited amount of money to fix any one problem in the world, what issue would you choose and how would you help?

HATE. There are lots of problems in the world that can be fixed with money but let's focus on a problem we could fix without spending a cent. I think that if there was less "hate" in the world and people were more empathetic towards one another, the world would be a better place. Perhaps then there would be no racism, war, greed, poverty, etc. What matters most in life is if you have a good, caring heart, and that in itself can go a long way. No matter how rich or poor you are, you can cut hate out of your life. 

9. What is your motto or personal mantra?

DON'T WORRY. “Don't worry about a thing, cause everything little thing gonna be all right." - Bob Marley
This song lyric is something that I feel should be plastered over one of my walls in my house as a daily reminder, especially as of late.










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