Hi! My name is Kiana, and I was born and raised here on beautiful Cape Breton Island. I grew up in Millville, but moved to George’s River when I was a young girl. I’m currently a student - having obtained my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in May 2017 from Cape Breton University, and will be graduating with my Bachelor of Social Work from St. Thomas University this coming December.

I spent the last year living off-island and while it is beautiful in New Brunswick, I truthfully couldn’t wait to get back home to enjoy the picturesque beauty (and delicious food) that the island has to offer. I’m excited to start as Sales and Creative Associate this summer at La Quaintrelle as it has always been one of my favourite stores on the island (and a bonus that it is near my hometown!) The unique, charming inventory has always spoken to me and I am genuinely thrilled to have the opportunity to educate myself on the stories behind each of the items in store to fully appreciate them all.

I am also looking forward to the creative aspect of the position as I am a very creative individual. I am excited to write about our new arrivals, and share our items and their stories with all of you!

A little bit about me...

What are you currently obsessed with?

Right now, I am obsessed with The Office! I know I am VERY late to the game, and I truly wish I would have started it much earlier! I’m currently about halfway through the series so if you see me in the store, no spoilers please!

What's your guilty pleasure?

I have a few guilty pleasures.. but the two most significant are: Trailer Park Boys – if you say you don’t find this show hysterical, you’re lying – and pizza. Garlic fingers, please!

What is the best thing you've ever read, watched, or listened to?

I love anything by Brené Brown. One of the best things I’ve listened to was her Ted Talk, “The Power of Vulnerability” in which she speaks to how we should allow ourselves to be vulnerable; by means of self-awareness, accepting criticisms and embracing our fears. She is a powerful, inspirational woman and I absolutely love listening to her speak.

If you could spend 24 hours with anyone, who would it be and what would you do?

If I could spend 24 hours with anyone, I would choose my nan. Though she is still alive, she is currently experiencing the late stages of Alzheimer’s disease. I was young when the disease progressed, so I have never really had the chance to know her very well. I would love nothing more than to sit with her over a cup of tea and talk about her life (and maybe what she put in her “famous” meatballs).

Describe your personal style.

My personal style is very simple – there’s nothing I love more than a pair of jeans and a simple top. However, I like to accessorize! I have more pairs of shoes than I would like to admit, and I think that a cute pair of shoes can really tie together an outfit.

If you were given an unlimited amount of money to fix any one problem in the world, what issue would you choose and how would you help?

Being a social work student, this question is tough. There are many social issues that need to be “fixed”, however, at this moment I would use an unlimited amount of money to fix the mental health system in Nova Scotia. I would use the money to expand current mental health facilities and ensure that there are enough mental health professionals (physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers) on staff to work with those in need of help, so that ultimately no individual is denied assistance.

What are your favourite items currently in the shop?

Every item in the shop is beautiful which makes it hard to choose. However, my top favourites are the Ophelia jumpsuit, the Darling Dusty Rose dress and the Rifle Paper Company floral canteens!

What would you tell your 13 year old self about life thus far?

Wow, I could write a novel to my 13 year old self. My life hasn’t turned out the way I had envisioned it at 13, and that’s okay – it’s better than what I had planned back then. It’s important to use the challenges life throws at you as learning experiences, to help you grow and flourish as a person. I would tell her that it’s okay to be different from the crowd, and to simply be yourself. Embracing your uniqueness will help you discover who you truly are as an individual moving forward in life.

What is your personal motto or mantra?

My personal mantra is a nod to my educational background with regard to self-care - you can’t pour from an empty cup. This serves as a reminder to always keep your cup full and to take care of yourself first.


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