Have you heard of Hope Project? Established by local physician Dr. Laura Whyte, her husband Andrew, and their friends Chelsea and Ethan Fenton, Hope Project is a therapeutic live-in recovery home located in Cape Breton for women suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. 

Their mission is to empower a new generation of women in Cape Breton to experience freedom from their addiction, to restore a sense of dignity and self-worth, and to integrate their healing back into our community.

Their vision is a holistic one. Hope Project utilizes and connects residents with existing supports within the community, but they go one step further and employ unique skills-development programming to help them maintain supportive relationships in their lives and become healthy and productive citizens of our community. Currently this programming includes individual life coaching, art and culture experiences, physical activity, equestrian and horticulture therapy, and community volunteerism.


This programming has resulted in a small on-site farm, and just recently, the establishment of the social enterprise, Covered By Hope. 

Covered By Hope was spearheaded by recovered women of the program as a means to support Hope Farm and the home's current residents. Soap and candles are made by hand with the farm's goat milk, and each product is accompanied by an insert card with a quote that has inspired the woman's journey. All product ingredients are naturally-sourced and Cape Breton/Canadian made.

We are honoured to be retailing these products on behalf of Covered By Hope and to support these women in restoring health, a sense of well-being, and hope for their lives.

Soaps and candles are available in-store and online. Read more about Hope Project and how you can help, here.

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