Hello, I'm Annie!

I am married to my high school sweetheart and I am a soon to be mama. You may recognize me, as I am the shop's manager. My hope is to someday actually have my very own business. My current hobby is journaling and taking out my camera to capture beautiful things.

One of my favourite quotes is by Mother Teresa that reads, "There is more hunger in this world for love and appreciation than for bread." We often forget to just love and take care of those around us, and it often doesn't take much. I hope to be the kind of person that reflects this and meets this need in the ways that I can.

What's playing on Spotify when you're working?

Anything vintage and soft.

Guilty pleasure?

Cozying up with a blanket to watch a movie.

What's your favourite item in the shop right now?

I love our plant and floral section, they add so much life to the shop!

Written by Annie Pero

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